Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

image by pleasebestill

Hello everyone! Long time, huh? Well, I started up a post earlier today about my trip in Thailand. Didn't get a chance to finish it so I shall post it tomorrow. For now, before the clock strikes twelve, I want to briefly share what I believe Jesus made good today 2011 years ago. Would you mind?

From what I believe, on this day, He made this good thing last for allll of eternity. Today, in the Christian tradition, is Good Friday-- the anniversary of the day Jesus chose to die for humanity. A death anniversary? "Why in the world would you call it 'Good' Friday?", you may be wondering. It wasn't until just a few hours ago where it became a little more clear to me why that is. It's good because this is the day that recognizes how Jesus lovingly chose to put to death Himself along with such things as our (yours, mine, his, hers, their's-- everyone's) loneliness, our deep, deep heartache, our bitterness, our insecurities, our shame, our dissatisfaction, and our illness. It is a celebration! It is a celebration of a new beginning. A beginning where once we choose Him in our own lives, our old selves get put to death and life, life ABUNDANT, starts to spring forth from the ruins. Shattered pieces of our hearts get sewn together. And from my point of view, He's the master seamstress. No need to worry about the thread or type of stitching He uses :) Haha! Anyway, I know that topics like these can be very controversial so I just want to stop and thank you for allowing me to share. I truly value that. Thank you and have a really great night!

P.S. A little (or kinda big) secret: He rises from the dead :)! Yahoo!!! If you wanna hear more and are in the San Diego area, you can definitely join me at church this Sunday. Here's the website for more info.

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