Tuesday, June 28, 2011

photoshoot: Tiffany

Hello my beautiful reading friends!

I've just moved into a new place in San Diego and am soooo loving it! The people I'm living with are fantastic and the space is just awesome. It's a nice new change to have a room to call my own when I just need some alone time :) (Lydi, special shout out to you! I've totally loved living with you. I'll miss you!) Anyway, can't wait until everything's unpacked and made personal. Any DIY ideas you've personally enjoyed that gives a little special touch to your space?

On another personal note, today ED is three years old! :) David and I celebrate our three year dating anniversary! Tehehe :) He's picking me up in about an hour for a surprise date. Yahoo! What a ride these several years have been as we've learned tons about ourselves, about each other, about forgiveness and joy, and about grace, kindness, goodness, and love. Tons to still understand and learn to live out, but it's been good :) Hehe. I'll fill you guys in more a bit later. Till then, enjoy a glimpse of this awesome senior portrait session of an awesome lady as we celebrated her high school times and future joys and hopes!

Thanks for being a joy to be around Tiffany! Congratulations and happy summer!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

an update & a shoot with Alpha Method

Hello hello reading friends!

These past several weeks have been insanely busy so apologies for not updating you all recently. How are you? What have you been up to? Though the weeks have been crazy for me, I'm so grateful for it all. Graduating, spending quality time with friends and family, and practicing driving have been such a joy :)

1. behind the wheel with the best instructor ever!
2. my commencement!
3. the family :)
4. lovely grad gifts

And man, Field Gems Photography is really on its way with my website almost ready to go public, portrait sessions in Chula Vista, San Diego, and Los Angeles, and two amazing opportunities to shoot at Billabong's Design for Humanity & Steppie's 3rd year anniversary! Crazy! With all this, I can't help, but pause and say thanks. So...thanks! :) Hehe.

Now, I leave you with the long due favorites from a photo shoot of THE Alpha Method. He's quite talented if I may so myself. And I can't forget to mention the awesome ways he puts his heart, soul, and mind into composing his music. Find him on Facebook and ask him about it :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Zee big news!

Helloooooooo! Top of the mornin' to ya!

Well, faithful reading friends, I have something to tell you. It's a little secret I've been keeping. Tehehe. I've actually been itchinggg to tell YOU! And alas, the time has come. Ready? Are you ready?? Hehe. Hm...Actually, I wonder if you can guess. Here's a hint :)

Did you guess? Did you see my new watermark? Guys, it's official-- my business that is.

Field Gems Photography, it's here and so, so glad to stay :) After waiting patiently for the perfect business name that would express my heart well to come to me, I jumped on the opportunity to hire my wildly talented friend, Chris. You might remember him from his previous entry about starting up your own Etsy shop. He has been designing and coding away to get my logo, business cards, and website off the ground. And it's been such a fantastic journey. The logo is done, the business cards have been ordered, and the website is turning out beautifully. Gah, I am terribly excited! Chris, thank you for your creativity, speediness, and support!

Everyone else, I have two things for you. For one, my Facebook fan page and Twitter are up and running; I'll post the contact info at the bottom of this post. Hope you find me! It'd be awesome to chat with ya. And second of all, I want to give you a present. I've really appreciated your guys' support and so for you, my faithful reading friends, I give to you 25% off my photographing services for a portrait session or special event*. Just e-mail me with your name, event type, desired date of shoot, and this promo-code ("blogLOVE2011") and we'll start chatting! The promo-code will expire June 28th and can be used for photo shoots in July until the rest of 2011.

So here's all the contact info...
e-mail: FieldGemsPhotography@gmail.com
Facebook: Field Gems Photography by Elisha Fong
Twitter: helloFieldGems
website: coming soon

That's it folks! Have a great, great day!!

*regular packaging details apply.

Monday, June 6, 2011

teaser: Alpha Method

Hi guys! I mustn't write too much today. I've got a crazy day ahead of me. However, you're going to want to stay tuned; I've got some big news to share with YOU! :)

For now, enjoy one of my favorite photos from a shoot I had last week with the highly talented, up and coming, music producer, Alpha Method. Wander over to his Facebook fan page. I'm sure he'd love to have ya.

Alpha Method, thank you for such a fun shoot! Boy, were we speedy. I think it was because you just couldn't help but nail every shot :) Cheers to you and your music!

Have a wonderful day, my friends!