Thursday, June 9, 2011

Zee big news!

Helloooooooo! Top of the mornin' to ya!

Well, faithful reading friends, I have something to tell you. It's a little secret I've been keeping. Tehehe. I've actually been itchinggg to tell YOU! And alas, the time has come. Ready? Are you ready?? Hehe. Hm...Actually, I wonder if you can guess. Here's a hint :)

Did you guess? Did you see my new watermark? Guys, it's official-- my business that is.

Field Gems Photography, it's here and so, so glad to stay :) After waiting patiently for the perfect business name that would express my heart well to come to me, I jumped on the opportunity to hire my wildly talented friend, Chris. You might remember him from his previous entry about starting up your own Etsy shop. He has been designing and coding away to get my logo, business cards, and website off the ground. And it's been such a fantastic journey. The logo is done, the business cards have been ordered, and the website is turning out beautifully. Gah, I am terribly excited! Chris, thank you for your creativity, speediness, and support!

Everyone else, I have two things for you. For one, my Facebook fan page and Twitter are up and running; I'll post the contact info at the bottom of this post. Hope you find me! It'd be awesome to chat with ya. And second of all, I want to give you a present. I've really appreciated your guys' support and so for you, my faithful reading friends, I give to you 25% off my photographing services for a portrait session or special event*. Just e-mail me with your name, event type, desired date of shoot, and this promo-code ("blogLOVE2011") and we'll start chatting! The promo-code will expire June 28th and can be used for photo shoots in July until the rest of 2011.

So here's all the contact info...
Facebook: Field Gems Photography by Elisha Fong
Twitter: helloFieldGems
website: coming soon

That's it folks! Have a great, great day!!

*regular packaging details apply.

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