Tuesday, May 24, 2011

a "what if we..." type of weekend

This past weekend was most definitely one of my favorites. Did I already mention that I love, love spontaneity?! The days were full of late night drives, impulsive decisions, culture, Taboo, friends, and family :) Hehe. Good times...What made it the most special was that David so kindly drove me all the way to Los Angeles to see my dear little brother whom I sadly only get to see about 3 times a year. I love David. I love my family :) So, how about you? What'd you do in the last couple of days?

in Orange County on the pier his family spent many a hours fishing on

old high school buddies celebrating a 25th birthday at a jazz club. Happy birthday Hung!

spur of the moment decision to drive to Los Angeles at midnight

after waking up my brothers to play Taboo until 2 in the morning


my favorite siblings/only siblings :)

crazy end of the year talent show and banquet

with my dear friend after getting her ears pierced

And guess what?! David's getting his ears pierced too. It's going down tonight! We're making an event out of it. Ha! I'll show you the results in due time. Have a wonderFULL night!


elee1147 said...

l o v e . . .
thank you d for making it an awesome, memorable family weekend!

Marie Fang said...

yay! Lovely photos!